
Showing posts from November, 2022

The Earth-tree

The entire Earth is a like a huge tree with the roots deep inside and branches protruding from the ground as various countries and nations. The contents of these nations as people, animals, birds, insects, the fauna and flora, the cities and villages, roads, rails, waterways and airways are just made of the clay formed by the fallen leaves and twigs, flowers and fruits forming a dynamic civilization appearing and disappearing in flow of time to a remote observer. We recognise a nation as a distinct integrated entity by defining an artificial boundary, clinging to the trunk or the branch. All branches are similar and unique for a limited time window and hence the equality of all  nations. 

The sense of competition

The sense of competition and jealousy are the roots of most of the troubles in the human world. Competition is a human concept. Animals, birds and other beings do not compete. They follow nature and get 'naturally selected'.  It is just the nature and love and highly focussed attention on narrower, behind every discovery and Invention in the human world and never competition! Technologists love their works and designs and reach break-through. Sharing resources available on the Earth is an evolved, civilized attribute in human nature and habit. That is good spirit. The sense of competition, jealousy, rivalry and false pride driven by individual or technologically programed nature or habit in individuals, societies or nations is an unhealthy spirit leading finally, to misery, destruction and war. It ends up in vanishing civilizations and or individual domains and worlds. Even a competition in seeking a desired knowledge in the modern human world seems absurd, as the competetion t

Speed, weapons and nonsense

The speed and mechanization are for convenience to fulfill basic needs of food, cloth and shelter. Today every human child try to use the machine networks for acquiring knowledge, a need of the human mind. But baseless jealousy forces the children compete with one another for the fire of knowledge, a temporary phenomenon, as a prized possession! Ignorance being the root of this scenario, the consequences are production of weapons, rivalry on account of the produced, and endless miseries, and unwanted war! The Truth is all knowledge humanity has acquired so far, is a small aspect of nature, sciences just guessed logistics and technology, a fantasy of being successful in competition with nature. Even the knowledge sofar acquired by the humanity is space-time distributed all over the Earth equally, but like at various nodes of the same network, or at different pages of the same book, and human societies being at different levels and paces of reading, learning and using. Thus competition

Actions and Love

Without love you can not do any action. If you do you can finish it to a self-satisfied end. Otherwise it remains a mechanical unattached, unemotional activity. But whatever one loves, the action should not violate the natural global harmony and peace. If you are not sure of the consequences do thought experiments or a computer simulation in a closed domain, but avoid the "action" affecting the rest of the harmony. One for all and all for one must form an equation. “For all” must be very selective and confirm to the temporal economy of an individual existence. Growth is perceived only in a forward time period. Every seed of action of a chaotic trend must be quickly evaluated and avoided.

Educational Research

  Every day we find increasing number of fresh youthful members doing self driven research on issues affecting the humanity in global organisation. The continuously updated and optimised technology initiates and drives these fresher searches done honestly and spirited. Guided but by the preset programs, they end up after years, at a mellowed and matured age, in the realisation that the answers to their queries were already in the humanity's knowledge wealth, inaccessible to them either due to space-time limitations or their moving in circles around the “unknown”! Thus our priority has to be on how to transfer the power of discrimination in choosing the paths and goals for a short human life time. The poverty often is just the choices limited or misguided due to a competing environment generated by another circle of researching youth who all started with just another set of wiser choices. What type of textbook schooling can help one in this situation is a matter of grave concern.


  If you can give freedom to peoples in accordance with a preset electro mechanical device at a preset time it is a remote technological modern developmental world vision. It is not part of a culture, nor of nature and it can not be an entire people’s mind.  Freedom is freedom from miseries, freedom from and unhappiness and struggles and war.  You cannot have freedom from the daily rising of the Sun,  the daily routine that each living being has to perform to enjoy living on the earth and you cannot have freedom from the changes in weather,  the  seasons. There is absolutely no freedom from the rules of nature whether we have discovered all the rules or whether we understood them. We cannot be free from the laws of nature and hence let us be united as a single humanity on this planet.  Let us be grateful to the Earth, Air, Water, Fire and the Sky beyond our reach. Let us all together bow and be humble before the God or Nature that created these that we live by and enjoy.

2022-11-25-06:44 2022-11-25-06:45 A klinggg between ribs!