The Rich and the Poor


The Rich and the Poor

By Dr.K.Muraleedharan 

What is the difference between the Rich and the Poor? The rich are like people enjoying the changing scenes through a window, sitting comfortably in a running train. The poor are those trying hard their whole life trying to design and build a train to be excited about, travel and  enjoy a scene, in future, somewhat different from their daily life.

The rich and the affluent are bored almost 24 hours a day! They are bored of  all entertainments they have already tasted, but desire for more. The poor remain in slavery as suppliers and never know the pleasure the rich is believed to enjoy from the entertainments, and the products of their efforts. When boredom sucks at home, the rich speed out to the distant lands, sea and the sky, and then fly to the outer space or other planets! They never know in their lifetime what the poor enjoy by restraining the needs, greed, rivalry, sensual pleasures and entertainments. To the rich, life is an illusory dream world of ultimate physical comforts and conveniences.

The rich people always try to make the poor poorer anywhere in the world.  That is why money is not divine.  The money is used to make more money and to oppress those who do not have any. The rich can do it both secretly as well as publically on to the poor, with no hindrance. Obstacles fly away in their presence. To keep and maintain the power of money, they invent rules, games, lottories, sweep stakes, bets and gambling  and control the poor. The rich always try to ruin the economy of the poor and sponsor inflation.  There are no Gods protecting the poor against this evil, because the rich can purchase the existing God of any religion, and time, pushing the poor people's life time far into the future. The enjoyments of the rich, of the worldly life are, materialistic, abundance, luxury, speed, colourful sensory pursuits, pride and ego and are frivolous  and childish.  They use their wealth to keep the poor from growing, or reach a goal they set for themselves. The contentment in a poor man's heart is the most vexing truth within the visions of the rich. To find a fully satisfied rich man is  impossible. 

There is no limit to a rich man's needs and  wants.  

Cheating  making use of the poor man's ignorance is no taboo for the rich. They can use any advanced technology gadget to enslave the poor. Is it not silly, if a millionaire in South Africa feels it justified to snatch an ordinary simple mobile device belonging to a poor man in India?  More, copy the contents into the enormous space in the computer server he owns, and after years of watching and enjoying the suffering of the poor man's struggle to make some sense out of his small visible screen? And the worst, to tease him the rest of his life with temptations of transferring millions as compensation to his accounts and ignorance? 

"Poverty in the midst of plenty" is a condition, the rich always enjoy implementing on the poor. If a poor man has an earning of a thousand rupees, the rich man living far away in another country spots it and desires to grab it. So he offers a tempting huge sum as a gift or charity to the poor man, with a condition, who will readily sacrifice his earnings for the huge exchange offered. Immediately the poor man is reduced to a beggar, and the rich man just continues enjoying his status, without losing anything from his possession. 

If a rich man sees a poor man well-dressed, it creates pain and turmoils in him. No such agitation when he sees the poor man back in a shabby attire. It's cool to see them normal, keeping the differences.

Who will protect the poor man when he is secretly dragged and forced to lock away his hard earned lifetime savings in some banks, rules and terms he is incapable of dealing with or unaware of? Is it charity, goodwill, or economic assistance? How would you view and judge such schemes when imposed by someone  through UK, USA, Russia, China, France and other developed countries too? What happened to the majority of the population and the administrative system, when thousands of youthful men in the country copy them in total darkness? Who will control the rich, their excesses, luxury, wasteful expenditure and the associated global blunders?

The Rich own the public streets as they have government contracts for their annual repairs with huge budgets. They own the street lights too,  and direct the UV light straight into the bedroom and the eyes of the poor, for occasional pleasures during dark hours. They spend enormous amount from public funds to clean and maintain one side of the road, the rich man's side of the road, making igniting mockery of the poor living on the opposite side!  The pleasures include insurance fraud-benefits from dream projections of the poor working at distant electronic terminals or mobiles throughout the nights. Medical insurance fraud-benefits from the affected poor sufferers give additional thrills to the rich. They hold permanent license to continuously shout into the ears of the poor from the public streets, camaflouged as a privilege to run commentaries on everything that happens in the poor's privacy.

The qualities like understanding, compassion, sympathy, forgiveness etc are beyond the world of the rich. They prefer huge aggregation of sinners instead, to support their views against the poor.

The love between two rich persons are of enormous value in the public eye. It is never the same between two poor persons. The former is publically celebrated spending in glamorous luxury. The emotional bonds between the poor invoke contempt, rebuke or existential threats. The public would be driven, by the rich,  to exhibit them as insured, transcendental illusional entity, never realizable to a peaceful rest or conclusion in a human lifetime. So persecuting the poor lovers is considered a normal social Justice. The sentiments and affectionate emotions between the poor persons,  are used to generate income and thereafter, put into the fire by the rich advertisers. 

The sexual pleasures of the rich are insured and specially protected from the public view through big companies. Those who get glances of the events are often hunted, haunted and punished by the naval forces of the rich. The pleasures experienced by the poor are, on the other hand,  exposed, demeaned, ridiculed and finally transformed into painful experiences by the same forces.

Charity never enters the mind of the rich. If at all, it enters, for a  display of their possessions before the poor. Their advertised charity is for entertainment, well calculated for futuristic exploitations. When the rich donates anything, it is to big Churches, temples or mosques as if the Gods dwelling therein would weigh the amount donated and bless them accordingly. They do not care for the beggars nearby, nor think about how those poor became beggars. The rich often display uncanny skill and cleverness to drive many who are poor,  to monkhood, destitutes or orphanage houses.

Jesus Christ was spirituality rich while alive and the Roman rulers were rich in the material world at the same time. After crucifixion the rulers wanted to make Jesus rich like them, and what they designed became what we call today as Christianity. The desire of the rulers  to be spiritually rich continued, but by their nature, has reached up to something like  the richness of the Olympic spirit.

The "Human Justice" defined by the rich is totally irrational in the world of the poor. They will go to any extreme to eliminate the poor from their visible domain, even while the travail and trauma in their own lives tear their human nature apart. They will foster enemity between family members and friends with cunning designs. They support the neighborhood false pride or jealousy, to oppress and victimize the poor living isolated. No "Global Justice" is yet defined for the humanity in this field.

These repeated display of how the poor people are fed by the rich has already formed a huge archive of images! Can they show to the hungry public,  how and what the rich people are fed by the same system, or  institution, the contents, quality, quantity, means and the results?


"Autobiography" by Dr.K.Muraleedharan

©️2022- Dr.K.Muraleedharan All rights reserved. No parts of this text must be copied, edited or stored elsewhere without a payment of USD1.00 by the rich to the author and explicit consent received thereby.

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